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Open Access

Chinese Physics C is a participating journal in the SCOAP3 Consortium. Qualifying articles in the field of high energy physics are published on an open access basis, without any author fees, and are available to read and reuse under a Creative Commons CC-BY Licence.

To qualify, article preprints must be submitted to the arXiv.org preprint server, in one of the hep-ex, hep-lat, hep-ph or hep-th categories, and the author(s) must indicate that their article qualifies for SCOAP3 funding.

Articles in other categories are published under a subscription model.

Access to journal and articles

CPC journal and individual articles are available to reader by the following two ways:

IOP website: All Open Access articles are available for free, that is there is no additional subscription fee, article pay-to-view fee. The non-OA articles are available via a subscription package from IOP publishing.

CPC website: The readers who access the CPC website via Chinese IP address are free to read or download all articles.


All contents of the journal from the first issue in 1977 to present are offered at CPC website.

Since CPC started the collaboration with IOP publishing in 2008, the journal from 2008 to present are also archived at IOP website

Revenue sources

CPC’s revenue sources include author fees, subscriptions, the support from IHEP and the funding from the sponsor institute and SCOAP3 (Each article which qualifies for SCOAP3 funding is published Open Access, so that upon payment of an article publishing charge, the article is freely and permanently available on IOP and CPC website. To cover the cost of Open Access publishing, SCOAP3 pay IOP publishing an APC of £1000 per article. According to the agreement with SCOAP3, SCOAP3 support up to 50 articles from CPC every year. (2017-2019))


CPC have no plan to run advertisement now.

Access to old manuscript system

From January 2016, we changed to a new manuscript system. If you have manuscripts in the old system (manuscript IDs 2016-0015 and earlier), you can check these here:
Author Login (old system): Chinese

Journal Data Policy

1. The Significance of Paper Related Data Sharing

“Paper Related Data” refers to thedata generated through basic research, applied research, experimental opening,etc. to support the publication of academic papers, as well as data obtainedthrough observation, inspection, investigation, inspection and testing, etc.and used to form papers’ charts and the raw data or its derived data supportthe research conclusions of the paper. The sharing of paper related data is animportant evidence for the research results and conclusions of the paper,improving the verifiability and transparency of the research; the sharing ofdata improves the attention and influence of scientific journal papers; thereuse of data saves manpower and material resources, allowing scientists focuson innovative research; paper related data as a new type of academicachievement will promote innovative cooperation and talent training amongdisciplines, and promote open scientific practice.

2. Types and Requirements of the Paper Related Data

The data used to directly supportthe conclusions of the paper shall be shared; the data generated from theresearch of the paper and reflected in the paper, or the data reused oranalyzed for the research of the paper are encouraged to be shared; the rawdata, unprocessed data from paper related experiments or observations that arenot reflected in the paper are shared voluntarily. Data involving researchethics issue, sensitive information, confidential information, or sharing datathat would damage the legitimate rights and interests of third parties shouldnot be shared. For data that should not be shared, if irreversibledesensitization processing has been performed or it can be shared for otherlegitimate and reasonable reasons, the data author can share it after providinga desensitization statement or other supporting documents.

3. Preferred File Format

Thejournal does not impose restrictions on the format or subject area of the datasubmission. However, in terms of data reusability and long-term access, it isbetter to refer to the list of recommended formats first.

Ifthe file format you use is not in the below list, the journal suggest youevaluate it by the three criteria:

(1)whether the format is common in your discipline;

(2)whether the format has open standards;

(3)whether the format is independent of a peculiar software application, developeror supplier.

Ifthe format you use is not in the list, your submission should meet all or mostof the criteria above.

File type

Preferred format

Plain text

Unicode text(.txt)

Markup language

Related files: .css, .xslt, .js, .es

Text documents



RDF/XML (.rdf)
Trig (.trig)
Turtle (.ttl)
NTriple (.nt)


CSV(.csv) ODS(.ods)


SIARD (siard)
DB tables (.csv)

Statistical data

SPSS Portable (.por)
STATA (.dta)
DDI (.xml)
Data and setup (.csv +.txt)

Raster images

JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg)
TIFF (.tif, .tiff)
PNG (.png)
JPEG 2000 (.jp2)
DICOM (.dcm)

Images (vector)

SVG (.svg)


BWF (.bwf)
MXF (.mxf)
Matroska (.mka)
FLAC (.flac)

4. Data License

Authors can choose fromthe following 8 international data licenses:CC0, CC-BY 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0, CCBY-NC 4.0, CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, CC BY-ND 4.0, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 (in descending order ofopenness of the above data license) and ODbL (for database). Data usersmust use the data in accordance with the data license agreement chosen by theauthor.

In order to betterdisseminate and share paper related data, The journal recommends authors to usethe CC-BY 4.0 license agreement.

5. Data Sharing Method

(1) Data Access

There are two kinds of data accessoptions. Authors could choose one applicable option for the data sharing.

A. Open Access

When authors choose the open accessmode, the submission will be open accessed immediately once acceptance. Theopen content includes both metadata and data files.

B. ConditionalAccess

·Accessing after the embargoperiod

This option is applicable for datathat should not be shared immediately. Authors are allowed to set an embargoperiod for your research data. During the period, only metadata could beaccessed openly, and data files would be forbidden to the public. After theembargo period, the data is automatically converted to open access status, andits metadata and data files are accessible to the public.

·Accessing on requesting

This option is applicable for datathat should not be shared openly but can be accessed on reasonable requesting.The decision whether to grant/deny access is solely under the responsibility ofthe data authors. However, in this option, authors should explain the reason inwriting and provide necessary supporting materials to the journal.

(2) Datarepository

Thepaper related data must be submitted andshared in a data repository.Our selectioncriteria and recommended list of data repositories are as follows:

A. Selection Criteria: The data repository shall follow the FAIRprinciple to ensure the discoverability, accessibility, interoperability andreusability of scientific data. Specifically, it includes the followingcontents and requirements:

Ø Thedata repository shall provide discoverable data identifiers for scientificdata.

Ø Whendata is stored in the repository, links and publicly shared permanent accessaddresses should be provided for editorial department and reviewers to review.

Ø Metadataand files should support interoperability and provide an open metadataharvesting interface.

Ø Thedata repository should support the reuse of data, provide a common standardmetadata and dissemination distribution path, and provide support for datareuse.

B. Recommendation List

Ø ScienceData Bank (ScienceDB)

6. Data Review

This journal will execute thestylistic review of the paper related data submitted by authors, mainlyreviewing whether the data has been uploaded, whether the uploaded data isaccessible, and whether the submit the Data Availability Statement (ifrequested), etc.

Authors should complete the datasubmission during the paper submission stage.

7. Data Availability Statement

“Data Availability Statement” is anexplanatory document or text on whether the paper related data can be obtainedand the specific way of obtaining it. It mainly includes the storage method andaccess link of the paper related data. The use of the “Data AvailabilityStatement” helps to improve research transparency and reproducibility, and isof great significance to the repeated verification of the paper’s conclusions,data reuse, and research integrity.

The Data Availability Statementshould include the following: how the data is stored and access links, a uniqueidentifier for the data (if any), and the name of the software or tool thatopens or uses the data. If the paper related data is data that should not beshared, the specific conditions and methods for accessing the data should beclearly stated and given. Authors should attach the Data Availability Statementafter the main body of the paper and before the reference.

The Data Availability Statementtemplate is as follows, for author’s reference:

1. General Template: The relateddata (DOI/CSTR: ) for thispaper is available in the (database name)database(permanent web link).

2. Data requiring special softwaretools to open: The related data (DOI/CSTR: ) of this paper can be accessed inthe (database name) database(permanent web link), and thesoftware for opening the data is (software name).

3. Data that should not be shared:The related data of this paper is data that should not be shared, and can beobtained from the author for reasonable reasons. The author’s contactinformation: .

8. Data Citation

(1) Why datashould be cited formally

As a kind of research output,research data should be credited. Formal data citation in publications can notonly provide positive incentives to data sharing but enhance the transparencyof the research and effectively facilitate the tracking of data reuse. Thejournal requires to cite data in publications formally.

Paper related data should becredited as the result of the author’s intelligent labor. Data citation canenhance the influence of scientific data and provide evidence for the researchthat cites the data. This journal provides standardized data citation formatfor the data.

(2) How to citeresearch data

The journa requires others toformally cite the paper related data and to follow the citation format as: Authors. Title. Science Data Bank, Year [Dataof publication]. DOI link.

9. Help and Support

(1) Data Submission Process: Science Data Bank (ScienceDB)

Ø Registrationand Login: The author can choose the account of the data repository to registerand log in, or select the third-party user to authenticate login supported bythe repository.

Ø DataSubmission and Edit: The author creates a new data through the data submissionentry, at which time the data is assigned a unique identifier (CSTR and DOI)and private link. In this process, the author fills in metadata information,uploads data files, selects open sharing mode and other information. At thistime, the author can temporarily save the draft and edit the information untilsubmission. After data submission, if the data auditor revises the data, usersneed to modify the data until the data is approved. Before data release, datacan only be reviewed by editorial department through the private link.

Ø DataRelease and Dissemination: After releasing, the unique identification of thedata takes effect and the data can be retrieved on the repository anddissemination index platform.

Ø DataUpdate: Once the data is published, if additional files or other data updateoperations are needed, the author shall initiate the creation of a new version of the data and submit the updated information. As with the old version, thesubmission needs to be reviewed first before releasing.

(2) Contact Information

Formore questions about paper related data submission, please contact: [email protected]

CPC Software Policy

Based on current research practices and the principles of open science, CPC recommends authors follow best practices for software management, archiving, and sharing to enhance research transparency, reproducibility, and credibility. The following policies and requirements pertain to software management:

1. Use of Collaboration Development Platforms

Authors are encouraged to utilize modern collaboration development platforms (e.g., GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket) to manage software code development and version control. These platforms promote code transparency and collaboration while supporting real-time tracking of code changes.

Efforts should be made to make the code open-source, facilitating easy access and reuse by other researchers.

2. Version Control for Software

Assign clear version numbers (e.g., x.y.z format) to reflect different versions and updates of the software.

Clearly indicate the software version supporting the research results when submitting a paper. Ensure this version is permanently accessible on an archiving platform.

3. Archiving and Persistent Identifiers

Archivesoftware and related documentation in reliable third-party repositories (e.g., Zenodo, Figshare, Code Ocean) and obtain a Digital Object Unique Identifier (DOI) for long-term accessibility.

If the software cannot be directly shared publicly, consider archiving services from organizations like Software Heritage to ensure code security and traceability.

Prohibit the use of software versions stored solely in private repositories to support research findings.

4. Intellectual Property and Software Licenses

Use appropriate software licenses (e.g., MIT License, GNU GPL, Apache 2.0) to clearly outline terms for software use, modification, and distribution.

Include a license file (e.g., LICENSE or NOTICE) in the code repository and ensure it complies with requirements from relevant institutions or sponsors.

If the software involves intellectual property or confidentiality agreements, consult legal counsel to ensure compliance.

5. Software Not Publicly Shared

If software cannot be publicly shared due to intellectual property, confidentiality agreements, or other restrictions, note the reasons in the manuscript and reference relevant literature to inform readers about the software's functionality and methods.

In such cases, consider providing a brief method description or pseudocode to help other researchers understand the software's functionality and usage.

6. Encouraging Open Sharing

CPC encourages authors to share software and datasets openly to facilitate knowledge dissemination and scientific reproducibility.

CPC does not require authors to transfer copyright for software or datasets but ensures clear access pathways are provided upon submission.

If an embargo (typically not exceeding 12 months) is necessary due to specific situations, authors must discuss this with journal editors and include embargo information in the manuscript.

7. Availability Statement

Include an "Availability Statement" section in the manuscript, detailing software access pathways, version information, licenses, and any embargo restrictions.

If the software is not publicly shared, explain the reasons in the statement and provide alternative resources or explanations where possible.

8. Ethics and Responsibility

Authors must ensure that submitted software and related materials do not infringe on intellectual property rights or violate ethical standards.

The use of software should comply with relevant laws and ethical standards, particularly concerning data privacy and security.

ISSN 1674-1137 CN 11-5641/O4

Original research articles, Ietters and reviews Covering theory and experiments in the fieids of

  • Particle physics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Particle and nuclear astrophysics
  • Cosmology
Author benefits
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